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PostSubject: Shadow Tower Challenge Rules   Shadow Tower Challenge Rules Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 2:20 am

The Shadow Tower is a place where any member of the clan take on the keepers of the shadow tower known as the Shadow Keepers. In this bran new shadow arena you can earn very cool things to add to your signature as proof of your victory in the shadow tower, in addition you can earn up to 1000 AP as well as the title of Shadow Master with the use of the new shade weapon system.

Shadow Keeper:
A shadow keeper is a guardian of the shadow tower. His job is to ensure that the secrets of the tower are kept hidden and to protect the biggest treasure of them all. Blaze Sword.

Shade Weapon: A shadow weapon grants the user many different abilities during a shadow duel, for example; Life Point Bonus, Extra Card Draw etc. Depending on which shadow keeper you defeat will grant you the weapon of the specific shadow keeper.

Rules For Shadow Tower

1.Advancing and earning rewards:
In order for you to advance to the next shadow keeper and earn rewards you gonna need to know how it works. Members cannot challenge the same shadow keeper twice unless he has completed the shadow tower for he first time. These duel will be done in a match of 3. So here what happens when you win depending on the amount of times you won.

1 out of 3=Advance to next shadow keeper, and the use of 1 banned card.
2 out of 3=Advance to next shadow keeper, use of 1 banned card and earn 200 AP.
3 out of 3=Advance to next shadow keeper, use of 1 banned card, earn 200 AP and receive shadow keepers shade weapon.

Pleas keep in mind after your match is done and if you only won say 1 duel out of the 3 you can still advance to the next shadow keeper and you are not allowed to take on the shadow keeper you just defeated again for any rewards. But you can challenge the shadow keepers in any order once you have successfully completed your first attempt in the shadow tower.

2. How to start shadow tower challenge
This is probably one of the most important things you need to know to get started. When starting a shadow tower you must first create a new topic stating as follows;

[Your name goes here]Shadow Tower Challenge

eg. Blaze56 Shadow Tower Challenge

In this topic you state the following;

Get ready shadow tower because (your name) is coming!

After you would have done this whomever the first shadow keeper is you post a reply stating the shadow keepers name and they will post back saying that they accept. Once you have defeated a shadow keeper he will then make a post in your topic stating how many times you have won in order to gain the appropriate rewards.

3. Using Forbidden Cards
At the start of each member shadow tower challenge they are allowed the use of 1 forbidden card. By the time you make it to the final shadow keeper you will be able to use up to 5 forbidden cards. please note that after you defeat a shadow keeper 1 extra forbidden card will be added to your deck for use.

4. How to use shade weapons

Shade weapons are the most powerful resources in a shadow duel. With diversities of effects, these weapons can either become deadly to your opponent or prove to be very challenging for you. Some shade weapons activate on their own once you have acquired them and others you can choose to activate during your duel. When using a shade weapon in a shadow duel you must announce to your opponent that you are using it. Shade weapons can also be used in shadow duels.

Shadow Duel Link

Shadow Keepers & Shade Weapon Link

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