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 Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game!

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PostSubject: Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game!   Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game! Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 12:20 am

Ok this must be said first of all. This is the most epic duel I have ever had to play.

My scrap deck vs blazes Airknight Parsath deck.

We both used our shade weapons, and in this duel we went after the other for the killing blow.

All i have to say is I won, but he got me down to 100lp, and i used all 3 scrap twin dragon and all 3 scrap dragons, along with abusing my scrap golems. Blaze threw everything at me and likewise i did. This match lasted a loooong ass time. We both went through most cards in our decks and i ran out of syncros to use. But like i do i abused every card i had and went all grave swarm on blaze, but his abilities were always there to counter what i did. But in the end i used everything i could use at my disposal and swamed the field hoping the attacks would go through and make his lp 0. And then after an hour or longer of this match, it finally ended. I may have won but this duel was the most fun i have ever had in a duel in my life.

And for that i thank you blaze for the wonderful game. Next time we do this, hope we will have as much fun as we did today.
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PostSubject: Re: Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game!   Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game! Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 12:25 am

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PostSubject: Re: Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game!   Ulquiorra and Blaze's Epic Shadow Game! Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 12:26 am

DUDE you are so right!!!! That game was EPIC as hell not to mention long!!! Although i lost, i would have to say that overall it was a fun shadow duel. I could have beaten ulq if i hadnt use one of my weapons effect that special summons from the grave......he use torrential tribute on my ass. But damn!!!! that game was frigging wicked!!!!! Oh and anytime ulq you abusing bastard lol j/k
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