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Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2015 8:52 am by coolchemist2001

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Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 27, 2012 4:57 pm by Nuran

» Twista Comes Here
Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 6:30 pm by Twistã Râ Thör

» Forgotten Sea
Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 11:54 am by MindFlare56

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Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 7:17 pm by MizutoAce (Maniac)

Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeSun May 27, 2012 10:06 am by aaronspong

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Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 12:31 am by kjk91

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Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 1:26 pm by Nuran

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Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:51 am by D.D._Hunter

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Lethal Insanity
Did someone say AP give a way!!! I_vote_lcapDid someone say AP give a way!!! I_voting_barDid someone say AP give a way!!! I_vote_rcap 
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Shido Fuyuki
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 Did someone say AP give a way!!!

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Lethal Insanity
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PostSubject: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 7:05 am

Hey everyone!!! To celebrate my official return to ARC from such a long break I will be giving away loads of random AP to all those members that remained active while i was away, as well as to the members i haven't met in my absence. To qualify for this random AP give a way you must post in this topic explaining why you like ARC!!!!!!!!!! Thank You All for your support in making ARC what it is today, special thanks goes to the few staff members that did there best o keep the forum going while i was away. I love you people (ARC)
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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 10:05 am

I love ARC because it's like a family I've never had. It allows me to meet people from different countries, regions and such. I know I won't get AP but I thought I should be the first to do this. For all of the family (ARC) I love you all (in a non gay way)
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Lethal Insanity
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Lethal Insanity

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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 10:34 am

I love ARC for the some of the same reasons as Ulq but some are different. Before i met Ulq and joined ARC, i wandered around without a home online. I found ARC and i immediatly knew i was going to like it here. Plus, you guys are some of the nicest guys to talk to ever. If this place ever went under, i dont know what i would do.

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Arc Admin
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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 3:51 pm

I dont really need these AP but i figured you deserved to know what i love about ARC.
I lvoe Ulq's random sound (ex:MEEP, MOKA MOKA,etc) This guy is jsut too funny altough he uses the broken samurais... Razz
I love the fact that even with rivalry with some people, we can all be friend and get some good scrambling and or funny moments Very Happy
I lvoe the fact that you help me getting better in everyhting Very Happy
I love to do some artwork for all of you guys (especially now that i can make your play mats for KCVDS Very Happy)
All in all, I JUST LOVE ARC Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2011 9:36 pm

I love ARC because it's a fun place to be. Before ARC, I had to wait a while before I could get a duel, but now I get requests for duels lol. I feel like I'm getting better at Yu-Gi-Oh because of ARC, and everyone here is nice. I love ARC because now I have a bunch of new friends and playing Yu-Gi-Oh became more fun after I joined ARC. Overall, ARC is a nice place to be and that's why I love it.
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Arc Admin
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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2011 11:09 am

While I'm not going for the free ap (for obvious reasons), I would like to say: I love ARC because it's the first Clan/Academy that I became a member of, and it's the only one that I feel loyalty to (LOL, ask Hunter).
ARC has seen my progress from a 1-deck player who knew a lot about rulings to a multi-deck player who is dreaming now of becoming a YGO judge. It has seen me mature into the duelist i am today.
However, that's not all. What makes ARC stand out is the unique group of people i see here when I log in. Friendly people that always, even before i started ranking up, made me feel at home. Oh, did i mention the enormous amount of talent that ARC has? (again, ask hunter XD)

Nice to have your comeback Blaze; however, I'm sorry i won't be here for the full comeback celebration because of a huge exam I'm trying not to fail.

The Chemist
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Shido Fuyuki
ARC GFX Leader
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Shido Fuyuki

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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 1:59 am

I love ARC because...welll who wouldn't?
Everyone is nice and everyone basically knows each other Very Happy
Were all family here!! Smile
and I also agree with everyone elses responses Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Did someone say AP give a way!!!   Did someone say AP give a way!!! Icon_minitime

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