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PostSubject: My Dark Magician deck!   My Dark Magician deck! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 14, 2011 6:56 am

Hello, this is my Dark Magician deck/spellcaster deck, any suggestions are welcomed:

Updated on the: 10/July/2011 (Dueling Network deck)

Deck total = 40
(Total edits = 7 to deck) 6th should be my final edit as I'm pleased with the build. However, with my 7th edit. I've found out that the new cards which I've added where better and I could do far more with cards in grave, hand field etc, such as adding a "Miracle Synchro Fusion" and a "Solidarity" 9as now it's a all out spellcaster deck)


Sorcerer Of Dark Magic x1
Dark Red Enchanter x1
Delg The Dark Monarach x1
(subbed from Dark Red because of 2 rfg effect and 2 from deck to grave)
Magical Exemplar x3
Night's End Sorcerer: x3
Effect Veiler x2
Magician's Valkyria: x3
Breaker The Magical Warrior: x2
Apprentice Magician x3
Crusader Of Endymion x1
(total 20)

Monsters force/focus on killing spell, trap and monster effects. Also, rfg opponents cards and sending them to the grave. And shuffling deck via App Magician.


Royal Decree x2
(removed 1 as 2 would be better as I run 2 spellcaster villager's)
Mirror force: x1
(Thought about a 2nd Mgaician's Circle, but it is I thought Mirror would be better)
Magic Cylinder x1
(like mirror force, but I subbed this for the -1 Royal. Not only it def's my monsters well, opp takes damage)

(total 4)


Monster Reborn: x1
Mystical Space Typhoon: x2
Secret Village Of The Spellcaster's x2
Book Of Moon x1
Swords Of Revealing Light x1
Giant Trunade x1
Pot Of Avarice x1
Hammer Shot x1
Mind Control: x1
Miracle Snchro Fusion x1
Shrink x1
Bait Doll x1 (great for Exemplar)
Solidity x1 (boost because spellcaster's have lowish attacks)
Magical Blast (BRILLIANT for Exemplar although, it cuts drawing power)
(total 16)

Fusion Deck:

Super Arcanite Magician: x1
Acranite Magician: x2
Tempest Magician: x3
T.G. Hyper Librarian: x2
Explosion Magician: x3
Stardust Dragon: x2
Crimson Mefist: x1
Brionac Dragon: x1

(total 15)

Please note: This deck is spellcaster deck, based on Magician cards/related cards. Please feel free to suggest any other cards which might fit. Many thanks. However, as I run village of the spellcasters, if would be nice for you to suggest some spellcasters as I need them on the field!

Peten the Dark Clown: I know its good for village as I can sp summon it face up in def mode if it's removed from field and sent to the graveyard.


Last edited by erestor629 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:35 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed deck for the Dueling Network site)
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